Welcome and thank you for all the positive feedback on the last issue. In this issue we have a good mix between operations, programming and culture. We cover setting up a secure Kubernetes cluster, and use a new proper way of doing secrets management. Oh, did you ever wonder what is the state of your GitHub organization and what kind of hooks, collaborators or deploy keys you still have flying around?I need your supportShare this link https://www.getrevue.co/profile/devsecops/ on a LinkedIn or Twitter status update today and recommend it to your friends and colleagues.Are you missing something? Please share your feedback with me andy@occamslabs.com or @pxlpnkHave a fantastic day,Andy
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Secure All Software - Issue #9
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Welcome and thank you for all the positive feedback on the last issue. In this issue we have a good mix between operations, programming and culture. We cover setting up a secure Kubernetes cluster, and use a new proper way of doing secrets management. Oh, did you ever wonder what is the state of your GitHub organization and what kind of hooks, collaborators or deploy keys you still have flying around?I need your supportShare this link https://www.getrevue.co/profile/devsecops/ on a LinkedIn or Twitter status update today and recommend it to your friends and colleagues.Are you missing something? Please share your feedback with me andy@occamslabs.com or @pxlpnkHave a fantastic day,Andy